Friday, October 24, 2008

Collaboration elaboration....

Wowee! I just checked out a few collaboration tools since I am going to need to collaborate on writing a research paper for this course with another student. The first tool I have looked at is, which includes a suite of collaboartion tools. Collaborate on documents using Adobe Buzzword, save documents online or export in many common formats; present using ConnectNow, which allows real-time chat, conference call-in, audio-video presentation and more; share documents with others via Share; save your created files or uploaded documents online for easy access and sharing. A free sign-up is all that is required to start using Adobe's online collaboration suite.

Another tool that could work for my collaborative project is, which is a free online document collaboration tool. Documents can be imported from my computer, website url, and created using the java wordprocessing tool included in Invitations for collaborating on documents can be sent from within The tool makes collaborative editing and commenting on a document easy. Exporting is available as PDF, DOC, and HTML formats. A free sign-up is required to use this tool.

I love all the online tools that are available to everyone to use!

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