Friday, October 24, 2008

Ooooh, Ooooh, Ooooh...Another Cool Tool....

I just found another cool tool for creating word clouds from the website. This tool allows you to take any text copy, url of a document or site and create a word cloud from the most prominent words in the text or website. Then, you can either link to the word cloud, or you can screen capture the resulting wordle graphic for use in websites, text, or for other purposes. You must credit under the Creative Commons license, but that is definitely appropriate for the free use of this cool tool. Here is a word cloud that was created from this site, which I snipped from and have inserted here.

Graphic created using

Other options are available to the user on, such as, code which directly links the graphic to a web page. This is an example of using the embedded code:

A word cloud created on from embedded code.

As you can see, the embedded version is more degraded and pixelated than the captured graphic; I would suggest a snip, save as jpg, and insert method for a better resolution word cloud graphic. Try it; you might like it! :)

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